jen jsem zvědavý kdo tady z Česka dělá re-map chipů nastavení jednotky celkově...? nebo nemá tu někdo Nistune?
kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
My project site:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
- kenivruh
- user
- Příspěvky: 4638
- Registrován: 27.10.2005, 15:37
- Bydliště: Svidnik tc. Bratislava
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
Precitaj si tuto diskusiu a mozno niekoho najdes forum/viewtopic.php?f=146&t=10480 Odbornikov je tam plno
200SX 1990, GT2871R trim 52, Sard 660ccm, AEM, Walbro, avia IC, Griffin chladic, Apexi Power Intake, vyfuk Japspeed a Magnaflow koncak
200SX 1989, SR20DET seria, Greddy IC, nake sanie a naky vyfuck, Apexi PowerFC, nak 250 koni
primca p11 gt zatial stok, ktovie ako dlho este vydrzi kvoli hrdzy
1/4 mile 13.336s a 172.89 km/h na 1.2-1.1b
Pozicovna vozika, 2 napravovy, celkova hmotnost do 2.2t, 15 eur/den
200SX 1989, SR20DET seria, Greddy IC, nake sanie a naky vyfuck, Apexi PowerFC, nak 250 koni
primca p11 gt zatial stok, ktovie ako dlho este vydrzi kvoli hrdzy
1/4 mile 13.336s a 172.89 km/h na 1.2-1.1b
Pozicovna vozika, 2 napravovy, celkova hmotnost do 2.2t, 15 eur/den
- blázen
- user
- Příspěvky: 12264
- Registrován: 19.03.2005, 17:57
- Bydliště: Ostrava
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
na SR raddy a má nistune.. a řekl bych,že do toho vidí nejvíc
superb 2004 1,9tdi chiped.. brzy k prodeji..
na dvoukilo seženu vše,vlastně skoro vše :-k
prodej ND nissan sunny 1,8gti B12
GO motorů CA18DET etc..
kontaktovat:736460675 0-24hod
na dvoukilo seženu vše,vlastně skoro vše :-k
prodej ND nissan sunny 1,8gti B12
GO motorů CA18DET etc..
kontaktovat:736460675 0-24hod
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
hmmm:P raddy no jo no:) a nikdo jiný kdo by měl nistune tady v čr není ? (me se nechce totiž uvalit nejakych 400euro za neco čím si chip naladím jednou a pak to v podstate nebudu potrebovat... :/
My project site:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
jakejch 400€? 400 ja ale AUD coz je cca polovina eura. si to kup a ja ho od tebe pak za polovinu vemu
- blázen
- user
- Příspěvky: 12264
- Registrován: 19.03.2005, 17:57
- Bydliště: Ostrava
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
taky to od tebe klidně odkoupím za polovinu..to neměj obavy..raziel píše:hmmm:P raddy no jo no:) a nikdo jiný kdo by měl nistune tady v čr není ? (me se nechce totiž uvalit nejakych 400euro za neco čím si chip naladím jednou a pak to v podstate nebudu potrebovat... :/
superb 2004 1,9tdi chiped.. brzy k prodeji..
na dvoukilo seženu vše,vlastně skoro vše :-k
prodej ND nissan sunny 1,8gti B12
GO motorů CA18DET etc..
kontaktovat:736460675 0-24hod
na dvoukilo seženu vše,vlastně skoro vše :-k
prodej ND nissan sunny 1,8gti B12
GO motorů CA18DET etc..
kontaktovat:736460675 0-24hod
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
a wideband lambdu náhodou chlapi nemáte? no jo ja to počital i s lambodu a shipping cenou (ono to vychazi na nejkych 250 ecek jen nistune bez dobirky a bez lambdy.. ke konci to je pres 4 kila eur (mam jen novou bosch narrowband a ne wideband...:/ blázen vidím že jsi z ostravy...? a MYSAK? ja jsem ve FM tedka...
My project site:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGj_myRgsWk 0-100km/h
The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine
My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
WB bych si taky radporidil ale zatim nemam, bud znasilnim kamose aby mi ji pujcil nebo si neco splasim
BTW zhruba Pribram, jinak pokud si udelas v nistune akej setup muzu ti ho pak nacpat do EPROMky
BTW zhruba Pribram, jinak pokud si udelas v nistune akej setup muzu ti ho pak nacpat do EPROMky
Re: kdo tu re-mapuje chipy??
Ja to moc nechapu.. zda se ti to moc, zkus se podivat na jine znacky, co takova vec stoji. Napr. Hondata na Hondy.
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