Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Čau, vím, že je to hooodně narychlo, ale nepůjdete někdo jezdit?
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
To to nemůžeš napsat aspoň den předem????
Measure With Micrometer, Mark With Chalk, Cut With Ax.
Woyta: "Kvalita zatáček se dá hodnotit počtem hrobečků. Čím víc hrobečků, tím větší zábava."
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
+1Trinom píše:To to nemůžeš napsat aspoň den předem????
Zrovna dnes bych šel..
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Sorry kluci, byla to hurá akce :-) Teď budu chodit často tak vám napíšu. Nakonec bych vás asi trošku otrávil, protože sem tam byl cca 4 hodiny
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Jen tak pro zajímavost, jaké tam jezdíš časy?
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Já jsem nakonec šel opravovat scorpio a konečně (asi po půl roce) jsem objevil jednu závadu, kterou jsem hledal jak blb, stálo mě to nějaký love a nakonec je to ptákovina, že větší pomalu ani není...
Measure With Micrometer, Mark With Chalk, Cut With Ax.
Woyta: "Kvalita zatáček se dá hodnotit počtem hrobečků. Čím víc hrobečků, tím větší zábava."
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
No tak osobák mám někde 32.6xx - 32.7xx, ale včera sem jezdil 32.8xx. ;-) Vychazim z formy :-DPeca píše:Jen tak pro zajímavost, jaké tam jezdíš časy?
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
To je pěkný, to bychom mohli dát fajn battle. Tak příště napiš včas
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
200sxlover píše:Sorry kluci, byla to hurá akce :-) Teď budu chodit často tak vám napíšu. Nakonec bych vás asi trošku otrávil, protože sem tam byl cca 4 hodiny
Myslím, že nás s Pecou bys neotrávil. :-)
Jo a mimochodem - co takhle ve čtvrtek 08.09.2011 po okruhu?
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Vadilo by, kdybych dotáhl další 2 kamoše? A chceš tam jít tak na půl osmou ne?lacin píše:200sxlover píše:Sorry kluci, byla to hurá akce :-) Teď budu chodit často tak vám napíšu. Nakonec bych vás asi trošku otrávil, protože sem tam byl cca 4 hodiny
Myslím, že nás s Pecou bys neotrávil. :-)
Jo a mimochodem - co takhle ve čtvrtek 08.09.2011 po okruhu?
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Budem tam cca mezi půl osmou a osmou
Zelené peklo - všichni tam jednou musíme...
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
Anybody who says they enjoy the Nürburgring is either lying or isn't driving fast enough - J. Stewart
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Hele máte obsazený auta? Jako správná vtěrka, bych se vám tam vetřel že bych se konečně svezl v dvoukilu a nebo klíďo v něčem jiným, ale hlavně abych byl zpátky doma na okruhu.
P.S. Kafrání do ideální stopy samozřejmostí
P.S. Kafrání do ideální stopy samozřejmostí
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Hm, obávám se, že mi letos okruh není souzený. Ikdyž možná okruh stihnu, ale káry už né.
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
Jen tak pro představu, kolik tam ty motokáry stojej? Tak nějak předpokládám, že když tam trávíte několik hodin, tak to neplatíte po desetiminutovkách, nebo jak to tam normálně je.
Measure With Micrometer, Mark With Chalk, Cut With Ax.
Woyta: "Kvalita zatáček se dá hodnotit počtem hrobečků. Čím víc hrobečků, tím větší zábava."
- 200sxlover
- user
- Příspěvky: 145
- Registrován: 02.07.2010, 18:10
- Bydliště: Brno
Re: Rychlovka Motokrávy M-Palác - 1.9.2011 15:00
No ale to se natáhne, já třeba za tu dobu stihnu 3-8 jízd, podle toho, jak to hrotím
No a 10 min stojí 150, když máš permanentku a pak asi 160, resp. 180, podle toho jestli jde do 17 hod nebo po.
No a 10 min stojí 150, když máš permanentku a pak asi 160, resp. 180, podle toho jestli jde do 17 hod nebo po.
Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Saturday night.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.
It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. Once you make your first lap you can't stop. The track is home away from home.
You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears.