P: 444cc vstreky 4ks
P: 444cc vstreky 4ks
4 zlte vstreky (po mysakovi nepouzite) cenu navrhnite...
S8 cez tyzden, S13 cez vikend
Re: P: 444cc vstreky 4ks
Spis napis co za ne.
It is better to live dangerously for 34 years than to be bored for 84 years. (Adelaide Siffert)
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133
On the 7th day GOD created the RWD car just for fun!!
(O)=(O)/ 200SX . \(O)=(O)
Nippon Sangyo 200SX RS133