z 32 power
- Martin_534
- user
- Příspěvky: 5421
- Registrován: 07.07.2005, 09:20
- Bydliště: Praha, CZ
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
- user
- Příspěvky: 1040
- Registrován: 12.04.2006, 23:08
- Bydliště: jihlava----birmingham
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
to jaky ma a/r nevim ale jedna se mi o to ze sem mel na ceskym zetku totalne nasrot vejfuk (uz od turb) tak sem se rozhodl to potrubi vymenit s mojim uk modelem kterej je ma ok ....aaaaale mechanik mi po sleze rika ze to porubi nelze prisroubovat na cz verzi ze ta koncovka je jina tak tam proste dam uk turba a hotovo 

- Martin_534
- user
- Příspěvky: 5421
- Registrován: 07.07.2005, 09:20
- Bydliště: Praha, CZ
- Kontaktovat uživatele:
tak je to jasný 
manuál má větší výkon, ale pomalejší náběh, a celý je to posunutý do vyšších otáček, za předpokladu, že compresorová část a kola jsou stejný
Imagine two 3.5L engines both using GT30R turbochargers. The only difference between the two engines is a different turbine housing A/R; otherwise the two engines are identical:
1. Engine #1 has turbine housing with an A/R of 0.63
2. Engine #2 has a turbine housing with an A/R of 1.06.
What can we infer about the intended use and the turbocharger matching for each engine?
Engine#1: This engine is using a smaller A/R turbine housing (0.63) thus biased more towards low-end torque and optimal boost response. Many would describe this as being more "fun" to drive on the street, as normal daily driving habits tend to favor transient response. However, at higher engine speeds, this smaller A/R housing will result in high backpressure, which can result in a loss of top end power. This type of engine performance is desirable for street applications where the low speed boost response and transient conditions are more important than top end power.
Engine #2: This engine is using a larger A/R turbine housing (1.06) and is biased towards peak horsepower, while sacrificing transient response and torque at very low engine speeds. The larger A/R turbine housing will continue to minimize backpressure at high rpm, to the benefit of engine peak power. On the other hand, this will also raise the engine speed at which the turbo can provide boost, increasing time to boost. The performance of Engine #2 is more desirable for racing applications than Engine #1 where the engine will be operating at high engine speeds most of the time.
http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobyga ... 102.html#b

manuál má větší výkon, ale pomalejší náběh, a celý je to posunutý do vyšších otáček, za předpokladu, že compresorová část a kola jsou stejný
Imagine two 3.5L engines both using GT30R turbochargers. The only difference between the two engines is a different turbine housing A/R; otherwise the two engines are identical:
1. Engine #1 has turbine housing with an A/R of 0.63
2. Engine #2 has a turbine housing with an A/R of 1.06.
What can we infer about the intended use and the turbocharger matching for each engine?
Engine#1: This engine is using a smaller A/R turbine housing (0.63) thus biased more towards low-end torque and optimal boost response. Many would describe this as being more "fun" to drive on the street, as normal daily driving habits tend to favor transient response. However, at higher engine speeds, this smaller A/R housing will result in high backpressure, which can result in a loss of top end power. This type of engine performance is desirable for street applications where the low speed boost response and transient conditions are more important than top end power.
Engine #2: This engine is using a larger A/R turbine housing (1.06) and is biased towards peak horsepower, while sacrificing transient response and torque at very low engine speeds. The larger A/R turbine housing will continue to minimize backpressure at high rpm, to the benefit of engine peak power. On the other hand, this will also raise the engine speed at which the turbo can provide boost, increasing time to boost. The performance of Engine #2 is more desirable for racing applications than Engine #1 where the engine will be operating at high engine speeds most of the time.
http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobyga ... 102.html#b