vodné ic

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Registrován: 04.03.2007, 19:16

vodné ic

Příspěvek od NISMOO7 »

mohli by sme rozprúdiť tému vodné ic-čka určite sa oplatí sa o nich trochu pobaviť pokiaľ by ste mal niekto o nich neaké info sem s ním :wink:
trochu o intercooleroch

hat is the purpose and/or advantage of an intercooler?
The purpose of the intercooler is to remove the heat in the air charge that the turbo/supercharger puts into the charge when compressing it. There are two advantages: Reducing the heat in the air charge increases the charge density (more molecules of air per cubic foot), thus increasing the potential for making more power. Reducing the heat decreases the tendency of the combustion process to knock (detonation).

How does the intercooler affect the power output of the engine?
Power is dependent on the density of the air charge. By decreasing the temperature the intercooler increases air charge density, therefore, the power is increased. Typically, the magnitude of the increase will be between 10 and 20% for the average (street) boost pressures.

Is some intercooling better than no intercooling?
No. It depends on the design of the intercooler, and there are two factors involved; efficiency (how much heat is removed) and the flow restriction (lost pressure) created by the presence of the intercooler. Regardless of the efficiency, if too much pressure is lost, then the intercooler is either useless or can actually decrease performance.

Are there varying styles of intercoolers?
Yes, two basic styles: Air-to-Water, whereby the Charge-Air is cooled by Water, and Air-to-Air, whereby the Charge-Air is cooled by (ambient) Air.

How can an air-to-air intercooler be more efficient than a water based intercooler?
There is an overwhelming quantity of ambient air available to cool an air-to-air core relative to the charge air thru the inside of the intercooler (The iced down water intercooler is the only exception to this argument.). At just 60 mph, with a 300 bhp engine at full tilt, the ambient air available to cool the intercooler is about ten times the amount of charge air needed to make the 300 hp. Whereas the water intercooler largely stores the heat in the water until off throttle allows a reverse exchange. Some heat is expelled from a front water cooler, but the temperature difference between the water and ambient air is not large enough to drive out much heat. Another way to view the situation is that ultimately the heat removed from the air charge must go into the atmosphere regardless of whether it's from an air intercooler or a water based intercooler. The problem with the water intercooler is that the heat has more barriers to cross to reach the atmosphere than the air intercooler. Like it or not, each barrier represents a resistance to the transfer of heat. The net result; more barriers, less heat transfer.

What are the relative merits of an air or water-cooled intercooler and which would suit my purposes best?
This depends on the circumstances. These circumstances are; street use, drag racing, or endurance racing (more than two minutes).

Street use: The air-to-air intercooler will prove superior in efficiency when sized properly.

Drag racing: The short spurt of power allows the iced water to cool the charge air to below ambient temperature.

What factors affect efficiency of an Air-to-Air Intercooler?
Frontal area: This is a rapidly decreasing function. If the proper core size is used, then doubling it will definitely not double the efficiency. More likely, doubling the core would raise the efficiency about 5% and cost twice the necessary amount and add substantially to the weight.

Are there any improvements that can be made to the system for improved efficiency?
Yes, several small factors influence the efficiency. A proper duct is probably the single most beneficial thing that can be done to an existing intercooler. Positioning in the main stream of ambient air is crucial. By comparison, a taped up intercooler with no ambient air flow will offer only about 20% efficiency.

What ranges of efficiency can be expected from an intercooler?
A typical air-to-air intercooler for a street application achieves between 60% and 70% efficiency, an excellent/optimum design for road racing can approach close to 90% efficiency, but requires an adequate "budget!”

Typically, a liquid-to-air intercooler achieves higher efficiencies than an air-to-air intercooler, starting at 75% efficiency and reaching peaks of 95% efficiency. Another advantage is the optional use of ice as a coolant, which is the only way to reduce the charge-air temperature below the ambient air temperature.

For example: If the turbo/supercharger puts 150 degrees F into the charge when compressing the air, and the intercooler removes 110 of those degrees, then the efficiency is:
Eff = 110 / 150 = .733, or 73.3%

Is there a boost pressure limit for intercoolers?
Intercooler’s can fail from pressure if not specifically designed to operate at that objective pressure. The failure mode is definitely not like a bomb going off, rather a failure is manifest in cracked seams, and is induced by repeatedly flexing the material of the end tanks. A panel of the cap, if large, subjected to high pressures, and in-adequately stiff, will flex in-and-out, or “oil can,” until the edges of the panel fatigue and the seams begin to crack. (Pressures up to 15 psig are usually safe for all designs)

Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek
Z-Club Bratislava
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Příspěvek od Fugo »

Neumím anglicky, dělal jsem na 750 vodní ic z důvodu že kolem motoru není místo a ic jsem nemohl dát do nárazníku či někam před chladič. IC jsou vedle motoru v motorovém prostoru viz. fota na mých stránkách, a pokud byly chlazený vzduchem tak byla IAT běžně 80°C, problém byl jednak v přívodu chladícího vzduchu (i když na ic byly ještě ventilátory) a umístění ic- ohřívali se od motoru. Přes zimu 06/07 jsem ic rozebral, použil jen vložky a nechal je zadeklovat a zavařit, vznikly vodní ic s vlastním vodním okruhem samozřejmě, chladič vzduch/voda je dole v nárazníku a za ním jsou ventilátory které spínají na 40°C , v nárazníku jsou i el. vodní pumpy pro honění vody. Náplň vodních ic je cca 10l vody. Celkově na autě přibylo cca 60kg. Ale funguje to parádně většinou se nedostanu přes 40°C IAT.
BMW 750iAL BiTurbo
>>>Pneuservis, Klimatizace<<<
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Registrován: 04.03.2007, 19:16

Příspěvek od NISMOO7 »

to je krása :wink: nemáš foto tej strojovne?teraz sme s otcom zakúpili 750il posledný dvanásťválec ,to auto nemá chybu ale ,to biturbo by ma zajímalo :lol: , ohladne w/air int.ešte som mrkol na cený pohybujú sa od 145 usd -450 usd odkazy sú na tíchto fotkách o poschodie viššie :wink:
Z-Club Bratislava
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Příspěvek od Fugo »

fotek mám plno, jen bys musel říct co chceš přesně vidět. Vy jste ale asi koupili už e38 a tam je trošičku jiný motor co se týče obsahu a kompresního poměru, ale základ bude asi stejnej.
BMW 750iAL BiTurbo
>>>Pneuservis, Klimatizace<<<
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Registrován: 04.03.2007, 19:16

Příspěvek od NISMOO7 »

počuj to auto nieje vobec sranda tá kurv.. dala dole od 130 Subaru sti-čka,
mal si vidieť tie ksichty potom na križovatke ani sa nepohli :lol:
hoď sem foto motoru a či je vidieť kde si dal a/w collery :wink: ;-)
Z-Club Bratislava
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Příspěvek od Fugo »

fota kde jsou ic jsou na mých www www.volny.cz/bmw750ial
BMW 750iAL BiTurbo
>>>Pneuservis, Klimatizace<<<
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Registrován: 04.03.2007, 19:16

Příspěvek od NISMOO7 »

krásne :wink: ;-)
Z-Club Bratislava
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Registrován: 04.03.2007, 19:16

Příspěvek od NISMOO7 »

tie moje staré int a/a fungujú len večer cez deň je cítiť pokles výkonu keď je teplo,zatial peniaze nevychádzeju tak ich musím ostrekovať vodou na sposob sti subaru :lol:
Z-Club Bratislava