Nastaveni klapky...???

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Nastaveni klapky...???

Příspěvek od raziel »

ahojte,chci se optat,jak se naztavuje klapka,vim ze tam sou dva srouby u idle sensoru ci jak se to vola,ale jak to ma byt ci jak to nema byt a jak s nima otacet?dik
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Obrázek 0-100km/h

The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine

My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
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Re: Nastaveni klapky...???

Příspěvek od 935Baby »

Na mé klapce jsou rysky ktere zobrazují v jake poloze ma byt natoceny snimac polohy klapky...ta ryska je u horniho sroubu snímače.

Pokud to mas na tech ryskách tak by to mělo byt nastavene dobre. Dalsi reseni je pres multimetr premerit vystupni hodnoty z klapky ale to nema smysl tady rozepisovat - viz servisni manual nebu zkus vyhledat tady na foru, myslim ze uz se to tu resilo.
„ At the begining I looked around and could not find quite a car I dreamed off. Small light-weight sports car which used power efficiently. So I decided to build it by myself“ Ferry Porsche
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Re: Nastaveni klapky...???

Příspěvek od raddy »

jedna vec je nastavenie samotnej klapky jej dorazom, druha nastavenie TP snimaca.
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Registrován: 02.06.2008, 19:02

Re: Nastaveni klapky...???

Příspěvek od raziel »

no a nastaveni tp snimace je prosim te jak? :bounce:
My project site:
Obrázek 0-100km/h

The Driver don't pick the car...The car'll pick the Driver
That's a mystical bond between Man and Machine

My ride: Walbro 255l/h, Garrett T25G A/R. 80 & A/R .64, HKS Adjustable Actuator @ 1 bar, Front Mount Intercooler, Braided Oil Hose, BRaided Water Hoses, HD Stage 2 Chip, FreeFlow Exhaust with TypeX BackBox, KN air filter, Apex - Forge Recirculation Blow-Off Valve, NGK BCPR7ES, New OEM Nissan Lambda, Head after Rebuild - (Ported, Brand New OEM Nissan Valves ('51' Intake) 'n exhaust Valves 'n valve stem oil seals), OEM Nissan Head Gasket, OEM Nissan Exhaust Gaskets, Apex Electric Fan, [Gauges: Water Temp, Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Boost, Volts], Adjustable Tension Rods with UniBall, Brand new OEM Wishbones, s14 VLSD, Sparco belts, silicon hoses... and tons of refurbishing, polishing and repainting in engine bay and many other bits...
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Re: Nastaveni klapky...???

Příspěvek od mauglie »

hmm, škoda že se to nedořešilo, ale asi to bude tím, že to je v manuálu :?: :lol: